Carriage cannot park

Mispositioned trailing cable: The trailing cable may be

in service station.

preventing the carriage from reaching the left9hand stop. Make


sure that the trailing cable is positioned under the plastic tabs at


the back of the carriage cover, and not above them.



Drive belts wear out

Diazo copiers: The belt may wear prematurely if the plotter is


placed near a diazo copier that uses ammonia to produce blue9line


copies. The material used in the belt is very reactive to ammonia


vapor. The vapor is very corrosive and can damage other parts as


well. Move the plotters away from such copiers.


Storing: Keep new belts in their bags with dissicant until you need


to install them. This is to avoid incorrect swelling.



Noisy carriage

Dirty carriage wheel: Remove aluminum or dust particles from


the wheel at the back of the carriage, and from the slider path along


which the wheel moves.



Bail mechanism fails.

Wearing of parts: The cam gear and engaging gear may not make


correct contact with the left drive9roller gear even though the


carriage is actuating the engaging lever. This can happen due to


excessive wearing of parts. Another problem may be that the bail


cable has broken.


Carriage motor control: The carriage may not properly locate


the engagement lever, preventing the gears from engaging. Any


problems with the carriage9motor control system (for example, the


encoder strip) or associated mechanics could cause this problem.


Also, if the carriage cannot find the true left stop during


initialization (caused by interference), the engaging lever cannot be




Bail cam: The bail may fall from the up position. This can happen


if the cam is over or under9rotated. The notch on the cam, used to


engage the left bail bracket, is not properly located for the •bail up"


condition, and the bail falls abruptly. Perform a bail cycle test.


Adjust carriage: If the carriage moves over the engaging lever


without raising it, you may need to adjust the carriage angle on the


slider rod. (Details ' page 7911.) However, be careful not to


jeopardize the print quality, which is very sensitive to the carriage





Bail starwheels slip

C!clips: Ensure that the c9clips and bushings are correctly installed

off overdrive roller

on the left end of the overdrive roller, to prevent its movement from

wheels. Media jam.

side to side.



Ink spilling.

Spittoon and ink separator: You need to replace these parts


when they fill up with ink. (See ' chapter 4.)



Static charge causing

Anti!static brush: If this brush (located under the entry platen) is

media jams.

damaged or removed, static charge can build up on the media. A


charge can cause the media to stick to itself and jam the plotter.




Troubleshooting 8931￿