Input/￿utput Test for the DesignJet 230/250C ￿nly

The input/output test performs the following:

￿Parallel input/output test: Reads the data and status registers of the Bi0Tronics PAL. (Tests only a small portion of the Bi0Tronics input/output functionality.)

￿Serial input/output test: Verifies the ability of the RS02320C interface to send and receive data. This test uses a special loopback connector (part number 07440060302) to connect the output to the input.

1Connect the loopback connector to the serial port of the plotter.

If a connector is not available, you can place a jumper between pins 2 and 3 of the serial port for the test.

2In service mode 2, hold down the SHIFT key and press Input/Output test.




The Load Media LED (or the Ready LED, if you have

already loaded media) turns off while the plotter performs the input/output test.

The shift key does not act as a stop-the-testkey for this test.

St￿tus. If the test does not find an error, the Load Media LED (or the Ready LED, if you have already loaded media) turns on again. Otherwise, an error is reported by an error code on the front panel.


Troubleshooting 8043￿