￿￿ U T I O N

In the following step￿ be c￿reful not to

d￿m￿ge the two electronic c￿bles ￿tt￿ched inside the end#cover.

6Pull the end#cover up.

7Inside the end#cover￿ press the two indic￿ted t￿bs tow￿rds e￿ch other￿ ￿nd remove the front#p￿nel ￿ssembly from the end#cover.

8To be ￿ble to e￿sily use the front#p￿nel￿ when the right end#cover h￿s been removed￿ slide the front#p￿nel ￿ssembly onto the met￿l b￿se of the plotter ￿s shown.


Remov￿l￿￿nd￿Repl￿cement 6#11￿