Parameter Description
User Name* Specifies a user authorized management access to the switch via
the console, Telnet or HTTP. An entry can only be deleted via the
console interface.
User Password* Password associated with this entry.
Access Right GUEST: Read Only for all screens.
ADMIN: Read / Write for all screens.
Console Authorizes management via the console.
Telnet Authorizes management via Telnet.
HTTP Authorizes management via HTTP.
*These entries can consist of up to 15 alphanumeric characters and are not case
3.5.4.Downloading System Software
Use the TFTP Download menu to load software updates to permanent flash ROM in the
switch. The download file should be a correct binary file for the switch; otherwise the
agent will not accept it. The success of the download operation depends on the
accessibility of the TFTP server and the quality of the network connection. After
downloading the new software, the agent will automatically restart itself. Parameters
shown on this screen are indicated in the following figure and table
Parameter Description
Server IP Address IP address of a TFTP server.