Network Configuration: HTTP Configuration
HTTP Server | : ENABLED |
<Apply><OK><Cancel> Administrative status of the HTTP server. READ/SELECT
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move, <Space> to scroll options.
Port 80 is used for HTTP service.
2.4.2.Configuring the Serial Port
You can access the onboard configuration program by attaching a VT100 compatible device to the switch’s serial port. (For more information on connecting to this port, see “Required Connections” on chapter 1.) The communication parameters for this port can be accessed from the Serial Port Configuration screen shown below and described in the following table.
Serial Port Configuration
| Management Mode |
| Baud rate |
| : 19200 |
| Data bits |
| : 8 |
| Stop bits |
| : 1 |
| Parity |
| : NONE |
| : 0 |
| ||
| Auto Refresh (in seconds) | : 10 |
| |
| <Apply> | <OK> | <Cancel> | ||
| The connection mode of the serial port. | ||||
| |
| Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move, <Space> to scroll options. | ||||
Parameter | Default | Description |
Management | Console | Indicates that the port settings are for direct console |
| ||
Mode | Mode | connection. |
| 22 |