Issue 1

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited





5.To assign another subscriber as the group owner, press ￿/￿.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Enter the first few letters of the owner last name, and press


The system shows the first matching name.

6.Press ￿)￿to select the name, or /￿to view the next matching name.

7.Press ￿/until you refer to the name you want. Then, press ￿)￿.

8.After you select the message group owner, enter the group name or number, and press ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿.

For numbered groups, the first three characters of the group name should be digits (e.g., 234 Sales Group). For lettered groups, subscribers use the first three letters of the group name to leave messages for the group.

9.Record a name for the group. Establish a local connection and record the name. For details, refer to Section 3 Program

￿Worksheet 2: The Opening Greeting on page 3-6.

Add members to the message group:

1.Press ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿..

2. Press

to select Member.

3.Enter the first few letters of the first group member last name. The system displays the first matching name.

4.Press ￿)￿to add the subscriber to the group, or press ￿/￿to display the next matching name. Press ￿)￿or ￿/￿until you have added all the members to the message group.














Use this information to set up custom features for individual subscribers on


the Personal Directory. Refer to Figure 3-17 Personal Directory Screen




The subscribers added to the system with Worksheet 9 receive the default


settings on Application Screen Page 5. However, there may be some


subscribers who want features other than the default. Using this sheet as


your guide, configure custom features by changing the settings on



Personal Directory pages for those subscribers.


This section assumes you have added the subscribers to the system. To



a new subscriber, follow the procedure in Figure 3-17 Personal

3 - 34

Fill in the Screens

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Image 114
NEC 750176-1 manual System shows the first matching name, Add members to the message group