EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited

Issue 1






￿1. Set up call holding in the Holding? field, enter:






Y, and press


V, and press ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿


N, and press ￿￿

You cannot use call holding with Release call transfer.

2.Press ￿￿%#￿to close the expanded window.

￿Message Notification

Lamp #

If you are using message waiting lamps, in the Lamp # field, enter the telephone number the system should dial to turn a message waiting lamp on or off for the subscriber, and press ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿. Enter X

￿to indicate the subscriber extension number. Activate Lamps ?

1.Enter Y for Yes or N for No, and press ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿to indicate if the voice mail system should activate message waiting lamps for every subscriber.

2.If you select Y, also check the Message Lamp On and Off codes at the top of Switch Setup Screen Page 2 to ensure that they are the correct codes for your NEC telephone system. These codes were configured automatically when you entered the name of the NEC telephone system. (Refer to Program Worksheet 1: Site Information.)

Job Specifications Manual

3 - 15

Page 95
Image 95
NEC 750176-1 manual Worksheet Enter Choice