2 - 12 Fill in the Worksheets
Issue 1 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited
32. Schedule #4
Schedule #4 is a special schedu le that stays in either Day Mo de or Night
Mode 24 hours a day, all days a year. The mode does not chan ge unless
you change it at the console. Use Schedule #4 to set a gr oup of ports or
transaction boxes to stay in a part icular mode regardle ss of the time of
day. By changing the setting of Schedule #4, you can reset all the ports or
transaction boxes that use S chedule #4. This field has no e ffect on
Schedules #1, #2, or #3.
33. Holidays
At most sites, the voice mail system operates in Night Mode for 24 hours
on any day marked as a holiday. You may specify up to 18 holidays. List
only the day and month for each holiday. You must update the holiday
schedule each year to cov er holidays that fal l on a different date e ach
34. Automatically adju st system for Daylight Savings Time?
The voice mail system can automatically adjust its internal clock for
Daylight Savings Time in those countries and loc a tions that recognize it.
Select Yes if you want t he voice mail system to adjust for Daylight Savings
Time, and enter the dates when Da ylight Savin gs Time change s. If you
select No, you may still manually reset the computer clock twi ce a y ear for
Daylight Savings Time.