EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 1
Job Specifications Manual 2 - 35
MESSAGE GROUPS The voice mail system lets you create message groups of subscribers to
make it easy to send the same messa ge to several people at once. When
you send a message to a message group, it is available to all members of
the group.
Subscribers can create and maintain thei r own messag e group s from any
touchtone telephone. A System Mana ger can also create and m aintain
message groups at the system console.
This worksheet helps you plan the message groups created at the
console. Make a copy of the worksheet for each message group you plan
to add.


When you add message groups to the system, consider the following:
Does the system keypad map have letters or numbers only?
If the system uses a lettered keypad map, message group names
may begin with three letters. S ubscribers send a message to a group
by spelling the group name using the tou chtone keypad.
If some or all subscribers have only numbers on their keypads,
choose a System ID for sending m essages to numbered groups.
Group names should begin with three numbers. Subscribe rs send
messages to groups by pressing the System ID for numbered
groups, then the group number.
Can anyone but the owner send a message to the group?
A message group can be open or private. A ll authorized
subscribers can send messages to open message groups. A private
message group belongs to a single subscribe r, called the group
owner. Only the group owner can s end messages to a priva te
group. The members of a priv ate gro up can hear grou p mes sages,
but they cannot send messages to the group.
Should the message be delivered only to the first person who
hears the message?
A message group can have broadcast or dispatch distribution.
With broadcast distribution, every member of the grou p receives a
copy of the message. With dispatch distribution, only the first person
to hear the message receives it.