2 - 44 Fill in the Worksheets
Issue 1 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited
Message Notification and Delivery
When a subscriber or guest has messages pending, the voice mail system
can light a message waiting la mp or a spe cial display or set a dis tinctive
dial tone on the subscriber extension to notify the subscriber . This feature
is supported by the NEC telephone system.
Lamp #
Enter the number the voice mail system should dial to turn a
message waiting lamp on or o ff for the subscribe r. In most cases,
use the subscriber extension numbe r.
Activate message waiting lamps for new messages?
Indicate if the voice mail system should activate message waiting
lamps for the subscriber when new messages come in.
For telephone #1 - #4


telephone number you want the voice mail system to call to
deliver messages for the subscribe r, enter the following:
Phone #
Enter the telephone number you want the system to dial.
Wait _____ minutes
Indicate time you want the voice m ail system to wait after a new
message arrives before dialing (bat c h m es s a ge delivery only).
Delivery Schedule
Enter the time the voice mail system should start delivering
messages and stop deliver ing messages. Circle the d ays of the
week the voice mail system should follow this delivery
Enter the number of times the voice mail system should ring
before hanging up, and how lo ng it should wait before trying the
telephone number again.