Company field
Enter the primary contact’s company name.
Contact field
This is the name of the individual who is the primary contact for the customer.
Title field
Enter the primary contact’s title.
Phone field
Enter the primary contact's primary phone number.
Ext field
Enter the extension, if any, of the primary contact.
Fax field
Enter the facsimile phone number for the contact.
E-Mail field
Enter the contact’s
Address field
Enter the primary contact person’s address. There are 3 boxes available for entering the full address (i.e. street, P.O. Box, building number, mail stop, etc.)
City field
Enter the city where the contact is located.
State field
Enter the state where the contact is located.
Zip field
Enter the zip code for the contact’s mailing address.
Country field
Enter the country where the contact is located.
Notes field
This is a free form text box allowing you to enter any information that maybe useful. You might want to enter a secondary contact, cell phone information, or other meaningful information. The field might also be a convenient spot to place notes concerning dates/times/outcomes of conversations.
MA4000 Installation Manager User Guide - Revision 6