MGC Web Server Manager User’s Guide
This document assumes that the user has the following knowledge:
•Familiarity with the Windows NT environment and interface
•Basic knowledge of video conferencing concepts
Before using the MGC WebCommander Server Manager application, it is important to understand the terms and conventions used in this Guide.
•The term
•The term "Select" or "Click" is used to highlight a part of the window, dialog box or menu, to be changed with your next action.
•The term
•The term "Click OK" means that you can either click the OK button with the mouse, or press the <Enter> key on the keyboard.
•Keyboard keys appear in capital letters, between these two symbols < >. For example, the Shift key appears as <Shift>.
•The plus sign (+) between two key names indicates that you must press and hold down one key while pressing down the second key. For example, "press <Alt>+<P> means that you press and hold down the Alt key while you press the P key.
•Bold type appearing in the text, or in a procedure indicates the word or the character that you should type into a text box from the keyboard. It is also used to indicate the name of the menu, button or function that you should select.
•Italic type appearing in the text or in a procedure indicates the name of menu, dialog box or field from which an option should be selected or into which parameters should be entered.
•Tips and notes appear in a different typeface:
This is an example of notes that you may encounter throughout this Guide.