MGC Web Server Manager User’s Guide
2.Define the following parameters:
Table 5-4: User Properties
Option | Description |
Name | Enter the name of the user. |
Password | Enter the password to be used by the user when |
| accessing the database via the MGC Web Server |
| Manager, the WebCommander and the MGC |
| Database Manager. The password is hidden to |
| increase system security. |
Confirm Password | Confirm the password by |
| is hidden to increase system security. |
Permission | Select the Permission (access rights) type for the |
| user from the |
| defined in the Permissions table. It defines the |
| modules the user can access and the functions s/he |
| can perform. |
If the | |
| selected for the user, enter the user’s |
| address. This address will be used when an |
| sent from the user when scheduling a reservation. |
Web Office URL | If the user has a WebOffice URL, enter it here. When |
| starting a new meeting, the URL will appear on the |
| WebCommander web page. Conference participants |
| can click on the URL link and enter the meeting. For |
| more information on WebOffice, refer to the |
| WebOffice User’s Guide. |
MCU per User – | The system administrator can select the MCUs on |
Custom MCU | which the user may schedule reservations or start |
| On Going conferences. |
| Select this check box to assign the MCUs to the |
| user. When cleared, the user will be able to run |
| conferences on all the MCUs defined in the MGC |
| Web Server. |
Select MCUs | Click this button to designate the MCUs on which the |
| user can run conferences. |
| The MCUs per User dialog box opens. |