Do not attempt to service this camcorder yourself.

Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards.

Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.

When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer and having the same characteristics as the original part.

Unauthorisedhazards. substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other


Do not leave the camcorder exposed to high temperatures (above 60 °C or 140 °F). For example, in a parked car in the sun or exposed to direct sunlight.

Do not let the camcorder get wet. Keep the camcorder away from rain, sea water, and any other form of moisture. If the camcorder gets wet, it may get damaged. Sometimes a malfunction due to exposure to liquids cannot be repaired.

A sudden rise in atmospheric temperature may cause condensation to form inside the camcorder.

-When you move the camcorder from a cold location to a warm location (e.g. from outside to inside during the winter.)

-When you move the camcorder from a cool location to a hot location (e.g. from inside to outside during the summer.)

If the (DEW) protection feature is activated, leave the camcorder for at least two hours in a dry, warm room with the cassette compartment opened and the battery pack removed.

To disconnect the apparatus from the mains, the plug must be pulled out from the mains socket, therefore the mains plug shall be readily operable.

_ English



当需要更换零件时,请确认维修人员使用的是三星原厂生产的零件, 或者是与原厂产品具有相同特性的零件。



请勿将摄录机放置在高温环境中 ( 高于 60°C 140°F)。 例如:在阳光下停放的的车内或阳光直射的地方。

请勿让摄录机受潮。请将摄录机远离雨水,海水以及各种形式的潮气。 如果受潮,摄录机可能出现故障。有时,


-当您携带摄录机从寒冷的环境进入到温暖的环境时。 ( 如:冬天从室外进入室内。)

-当您携带摄录机从凉爽的环境进入到炎热的环境时。 (如:夏天从室内到室外。)

如果开启了 (DEW) 保护功能,则应该打开带仓,取下电池组。 将摄录机放置在温暖干燥的室内至少两小时以上。

为了将此设备与主电源断开,应将插头从主电源插座上拔下。因此, 主电源插头应该更易于操作。

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