Installing THE SOFTWARE (DV Media Pro Programme)

You need to install DV Media Pro to play back recorded movie files from miniDV camcorder with the USB cable on your PC. When you install the DV Media Pro software on your Windows computer, you can enjoy the following operations by connecting your miniDV camcorder to your computer via a USB cable.

You have to install "DV Driver", "Video Codec" and "DirectX 9.0" to run DV Media Pro properly.

For moving images playback on a PC, install software in this order : DV Driver - DirectX 9.0 - Video Codec

For Web camera install software in this order:

DV Driver - DirectX 9.0 - Video Codec

Before you start!

Turn on your PC. Exit all other applications that are running.

Insert the provided CD into the CD-ROM drive.

-The setup screen appears automatically soon after the CD was inserted. If the setup screen does not appear, click on "Start" on the bottom left corner and select "Run" to display a dialog. Type "D:\autorun.exe" and then press ENTER, if your CD-ROM drive is mapped to "D:Drive".

Installing Driver - DV Driver and DirectX 9.0

DV Driver is a software driver that is required to support establishing connection to a PC. (If it is not installed, some functions will not be supported.)

1.Click on "DV Driver" on the setup screen.

Driver software required is installed automatically. The following drivers will be installed:

- USB PC-Camera driver

2.Click on "Confirm" to finish driver installation.

3.If the "DirectX 9.0" is not installed, it is installed automatically after setting "DV Driver".

After installing DirectX 9.0, PC needs to be restarted.

If DirectX 9.0 is installed already, there is no need to restart the PC.

Application Installation - Video Codec

Click on "Video Codec" on the setup screen. Video Codec is required to play movie files recorded by this miniDV camcorder on a PC.

Please install by using the Software CD that came with this camcorder. We do not guarantee compatibility with other CDs.

During installation, if the Microsoft LOGO test warning is shown, just click 'Continue(C).'

If a message saying "Digital Signature not found" or something similar appears, ignore the message and continue with the installation.

97_ English

安装软件 (DV Media Pro 程序 )

您需要安装DV Media Pro用于将摄录机连接至电脑的时 候,播放录制的影音文件。当您在Windows电脑上安装 DV Media Pro软件的时候,您可以按照以下操作介绍通


您必须安装"DV Driver","Video Codec""DirectX 9.0"来正确运行DV Media Pro

按照下列顺序安装软件:DV Driver - DirectX 9.0

- Video Codec,以便使用电脑播放影音文件。

若使用网络摄像头功能,请按照此顺序安装软 件:DV Driver - DirectX 9.0 - Video Codec



显示,请点击电脑屏幕坐下角的"开始"菜单,并且选择"运行",弹出 对话框。如果CD-ROM驱动器被设置为"D:Drive",请输入"D:\auto- run.exe"然后按下回车键。

安装驱动程序 - DV DriverDirectX 9.0

DV Driver是支持建立电脑连接所需要的软件驱动程序。 (如果没有安装,某些功能将不会受到支持。)

1.在安装界面上单击“DV Driver”所需的驱动程序软件将会自动安装,下列驱动程序将会安装:- USB 网络摄像头驱动程序2.点击"Confirm"完成驱动程序安装。

3.如果尚未安装"DirectX 9.0",它将会在设置 "DVDriver"后自动安装。

安装 DirectX 9.0以后,需要重新启动计算机。若已经安装 DirectX 9.0,则不需要重新启动电脑。

安装应用程序 - Video Codec

在安装上单击"Video Codec"。(视频编码解码器在计算机上播放摄录机 录制的影片文件时,需要使用视频编码解码器。

请使用本摄录机随附的安装 CD 进行安装。如使用其他安装 CD, 我们不能保证可以正常完成安装。

在安装过程中,如果显示 Microsoft LOGO 测试警告,请点击 'Continue(C)'

如果出现了 " 未找到数字签名 " 提示信息或者其他类似的显示信 息,请忽略此信息并且继续安装。

中文 _97