7. Instructions
FUN 063
ASCII to Hex conversion
T1S only
When the input is ON, the ASCII characters stored in n registers starting with A is converted into hexadecimal data and stored in B and after. The lower byte of source A is stored as uppermost digit of destination B, and followed in this order. The allowable ASCII character in the source table is “0” (H30) to “9” (H39) and “A” (H41) to “F” (H46). The allowable range of n is 1 to 64.
Execution condition
Input | Operation | Output | ERF |
OFF | No execution | OFF | - |
ON | Normal execution | ON | - |
| Conversion data error (no execution) | OFF | Set |
| Name |
| Device |
| Register |
| Constant | Index | ||
| X | Y | R | S | T. | C. | XW | YW | RW | SW | T | C | D | I | J | K |
A | Source |
| Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö |
n | Data size |
| 1 - 64 |
B | Destination |
| Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö |
When R011 is ON, the ASCII characters stored in 8 words of D0300 to D0307 are converted into hexadecimal data, and stored in 4 words registers starting with RW040.
| F | 8 7 | 0 |
| |
D0300 | “1” (H31) |
| “0” (H30) |
| RW040 |
D0301 | “3” (H33) |
| “2” (H32) |
| Converted | RW041 |
D0302 | “5” (H35) |
| “4” (H34) |
| RW042 |
D0303 | “7” (H37) |
| “6” (H36) |
| RW043 |
D0304 | “9” (H39) |
| “8” (H38) |
D0305 | “B” (H42) |
| “A” (H41) |
D0306 | “D” (H44) |
| “C” (H43) |
D0307 | “F” (H46) |
| “E” (H45) |
F | 0 |
·If index register (I, J or K) is used for the operand A, only n = 1 is allowed.
·If n is odd number, lower 2 digits of the last converted data will not be fixed, Use even for n.
180 T1/T1S User’s Manual
CTi Automation - Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 208.368.0415 - Web: www.ctiautomation.net - Email: info@ctiautomation.net