%C1 | Restore configuration. Use this command to |
| cancel any configuration changes made during |
| remote access, and restore the original |
| configuration. However, commands that have |
| been written to NVRAM (with &W) will not be |
| restored to their previous settings. Additionally, if |
| you have forced immediate configuration changes |
| (with %C2), those changes cannot be reversed with |
| %C1. |
%C2 | Execute configuration. Use this command to force |
| configuration changes to take effect immediately, |
| during the current connection. We recommend |
| against forcing immediate configuration changes |
| unless absolutely necessary, as this can result in an |
| unreliable connection or even a loss of connection. |
%Fn Configure data format.
%F0 | No parity, 8 data bits. |
%F1 | Mark parity, 7 data bits. |
%F2 | Odd parity, 7 data bits. |
%F3 | Even parity, 7 data bits. |
Password Commands
%Pn= Disables password security (n=0 or 1) when no character follows the equal sign.
%Pn=s Specify the following password string (s) for viewing privileges only (n = 0) or view and configuration privileges (n= 1).
%Pn? Display password n.
Remote Access