Unable to Retrain: After several attempts, disturbances on the phone line prevented the modems from retraining, and they could no longer transmit or receive data.
XID Timeout: The modems failed to negotiate the V.42 Detection (XID Exchange) phase.
Dial Security Disconnect Reason: Possible reasons the answering modem may have hung up during a Dial Security session are as follows:
Security Abort: The modem hung up because it received an invalid password three times.
Prompting Not Enabled: The modem hung up because the originating modem did not send an autopass password, and prompting wasn't enabled.
No Prompting in Sync: The originating modem did not send an autopass password, and the answering modem cannot prompt for a password in any synchronous mode.
Mode Incompatible: The modem hung up because both modems were not set to the same error control setting.
No Prompting in
I7 The modem returns a product configuration. If you have a problem and call U.S. Robotics' Technical Support staff, you may be asked to read this screen.
I8 Not used
I9 Not used