6.Make sure your modem's connection rate setting, &Nn is correct for the call. If the connection rate is locked at a speed (&N1−&N14) different from the calling modem's, the Courier hangs up. The factory setting of &N0, variable link operations, allows the two modems to negotiate the highest possible connection rate.
7.If none of the above corrects the problem, it's likely that the quality of the phone connection is poor and that the other modem is missing the signals your modem is transmitting. The variable quality of phone line connections may be due to any number of conditions in the phone service's equipment or the current environment. Try several calls, and if you still can't get through, try calling another modem. If the second modem accepts your call, the problem may lie with the modem you first tried to call.
During Data Transfer
Your screen displays . . .
Only brackets
Check to make sure that both modems are set to the same bit rate, word length, parity and number of Stop bits. If the settings are correct, the problem may be with the phone line. Try the following measures:
1.Try placing the call again. The phone company routes even local calls differently each time you call.
2.Try calling a different modem to see if the problem persists. The problem may be with the modem you first tried to call.
Random or garbage characters
Check to make sure that both modems are set to the same bit rate, word length, parity, and number of Stop bits.
If the modem is set to a fixed serial port rate (&B1) and your software is fixed at 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K, or 115.2K bps, the reason may be one of the following:
1.Your computer may not support the high rate. If this is the case, fix your software rate at 9600 bps and disable high- speed V.32 terbo modulation: ATS34=3 or ATS34 .0=1 .1=1.