2.If you use
3.Check to see that your software and the modem are set for the same kind of flow control, either hardware or software. Some communications programs also require that you dis- able the kind you are not using.
Double characters
Your modem's online local echo is on and the remote modem is also echoing. The only way to correct this is to bring the modem back to Command mode (wait one second without transmitting data, type +++, wait another second). Then type the command to turn off your online echo (ATF1 <Enter>).
If DIP switch 9 is OFF (factory setting), the modem hangs up when it returns to Command mode, and you'll have to call again. If DIP switch 9 is ON, the modem maintains its connection. You can return it back online by typing ATO <Enter>.
The problems described above are by far the most common ones that users encounter. If the suggestions we've given don't clear up your difficulties, try the following:
1.Review the manual carefully to see if you've missed something.
2.Call or visit your modem dealer. Chances are your dealer will be able to give you the assistance you need. This is much more efficient and
3.If your dealer can't help you, refer to the Customer Service Access Card provided in this package. This card lists several important U. S. Robotics numbers.
4.If you must return your modem to us, the Service Representative you talk to will give you a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. Modems without an RMA number will not be accepted.