3.Perform the function that lets you send AT commands to the modem, that is, puts the computer in Terminal mode. Some communications programs do this automatically upon loading. Others require you to display a communications or terminal screen, type a Function key, or perform some other operation.
Review your communications software documentation for instructions.
4.Send the following attention command. Type either upper or lower case letters, not a combination, and then press the Enter (Carriage Return) key, shown in the example below between angle brackets. (Don't type the angle brackets.)
AT <Enter>
If everything is correct, the modem responds as follows:
Go on to step 5.
If your entered command is not displayed, your local echo is OFF. To turn the local echo ON, send the modem the following command:
ATE1 <Enter>
If double characters appear on the screen, both your modem and software are set to local echo ON. Either set your software to local echo OFF, or turn the modem's echo OFF with the following command:
ATE0 <Enter>
If no OK appears on your screen after you completed Step 4, review the following checkpoints:
a.Make sure you type all upper or lower case letters and press <Enter>.
b.Check to see that you set your communications software to the correct serial port. The correct serial port is the port to which the modem is connected to the computer.
Internal Modem Set Up