Dialing (D$)
At ATD$, the Courier displays this Dial command summary:
HELP, Dial Commands (CTRL-S to Stop, CTRL-C to Cancel)
*Auxiliary Tone Dial Digit
# Auxiliary Tone Dial Digit T Tone Dialing
P Pulse Dialing
R Call an Originate Only Modem
, Pause (Wait for S8 Time)
; Remain in Command Mode After Dialing
" Used to Dial Alpha Phone #'s W Wait for 2nd Dial Tone
! Flash Switch Hook
Figure 6.7⎯Sample Dial Command HELP Screen
At ATS$, the Courier displays a screen that shows a partial summary of the
HELP, S Register Functions
S0 | Ring to Answer On | S33 Reserved | |
S1 | Counts # of Rings | S34 Bit Mapped | |
S2 | Escape Code Char |
| 1 = Disable V32bis |
S3 | Carriage Return Char |
| 2 = Disable Enhanced V32 mode |
S4 | Line Feed Char |
| 4 = Disable Quick V32 retrain |
S5 | Backspace Char |
| 8 = Enable V23 Fallback |
S6 | Wait Time/Dial Tone (sec) |
| 16 = Change MR to DSR |
S7 | Wait Time/Carrier (sec) |
| 32 = Enable MI/MIC |
S8 | Comma Time (sec) |
| 64 = Disable RA Busy Msg |
S9 | Carrier Detect Time (1/10sec) |
| 128 = Disable Terbo |
S10 | Carrier Loss Time (1/10sec) | S35 | Reserved |
S11 | Dial Tone Spacing (msec) | S36 | Reserved |
S12 | Escape Code Time (1/50sec) | S37 Reserved | |
S13 | Bit Mapped | S38 | Disconnect Wait Time (sec) |
| 1 = Reset On DTR Loss | S39 | Reserved |
| 2 = Do Originate in Auto Answer | S40 | Reserved |
| 4 = No Pause Before Result Codes S41# of Allowed Login Attempts | ||
| 8 = Do DS0 On DTR | S42 Remote Escape Code Char | |
| 16 = Do DS0 On Reset | S43 Remote Escape Code Time (1/50sec) | |
Strike a key when ready . . . |