Dn Dial the specified phone number; also execute Dial options.
The maximum number of characters allowed is 60, including the AT prefix, punctuation and spaces. The Carriage Return (Enter key) isn't counted as a character.
NOTE: With the exception of the following Dial options, the modem ignores any commands issued after D in the same command string.
Dial Options
DDial the number that follows and enter Originate mode. Optional parameters:
P Pulse dial. Default.
T Tone dial.
, (Comma) Pause for 2 seconds before continuing to dial.
;Return to Command mode after dialing. If your phone is plugged into the modem, you can use this option to have the modem Auto Dial a telephone rather than a modem.
The Courier dials, remains off hook and returns the OK message, indicating it is in Command mode.
For example, to have the modem place a voice call, enter the Dial command with a semicolon:
ATDT5551234; <Enter>
When the modem returns the OK result, pick up your phone receiver so you can talk to the other party, and send the command that hangs up the modem: