3.All commands except A/, A> and +++ are preceded by the AT (attention) prefix and are executed with the Enter/Carriage Return key (<Enter>).
4.Command length = 60 characters maximum. The modem doesn't count the AT prefix, Carriage Return character, or spaces. It counts (but doesn't act on) punctuation such as hyphens and parentheses.
5.A missing numeric parameter is assumed to be zero, as in the command to hang up: ATH <Enter> is the equivalent of ATH0 <Enter>.
Example (spaces are not required, but are added here for readability):
AT &K3 X2 DT 071 312 1234 <Enter>
AT | Attention; a command follows. |
&K3 | Disable MNP5 data compression; use only |
| V.42 bis compression. |
X2 | Use the X2 result code subset. |
DT | Dial the following number using tone dialing. |
<Enter> | Execute the commands. |
This chapter groups related commands into the following categories.
•Basic Commands
•Dialing/Answering Dialing
Dial Options Cancel Dialing Store Phone Numbers Redialing
Answer Mode Auto Answer Hanging Up
•Setting/Using Defaults Customizing NVRAM Resetting the Modem