Installing and administering the terminal server
Issue 4 October 2002 125555-233-116
Setting up HyperTerminal on the computer
Use the HyperTerminal software program that comes with Windows 95/98/NT/
2000 to administer the IOLAN+.
1. Open HyperTerminal.
2. Click on File > Properties > Connect tab. In the Connect using: field,
select COM n, where n is the communication port you r computer is using.
3. Click on CONFIGURE and set the bits per second fie ld to 9600 and the Flow
control field to Hardware.
4. Click OK.
5. Press ENTER to get the login prompt.
Navigating the IOLAN+ term inal server
Refer to the IOLAN+ user guide for details. In general,
Use the arrow keys to move to a menu item
Use the TAB key to move from field to field horizontally.
Use the ENTER key to choose an item.
Administering the IOLAN+ the first time
1. At the login prompt type any text and press ENTER.
2. At the second prompt type set term ansi and press ENTER to view the
Connections menu.
Name: port 2 CONNECTIONS MENU Terminal: 2
Connection Host
1 *** FREE ** === Commands ===
2 *** FREE ** | Telnet ^T|
3 *** FREE ** | Rlogin ^R|
4 *** FREE ** | Port ^P|
| Admin mode ^A|
| CLI |
| Lock |
| Logout ^D|
IOLAN PLUS v4.02.00 a CDi iolan