4Speak with the agent, if necessary, before you conference in the customer.
5Click Conference again to take the customer off hold and conference in the customer and the other agent.
Conferencing in a supervisor
Conference in a supervisor if you want to speak to your customer and your supervisor.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1On the Agent Desktop Action bar menu, click Supervisor to place the customer on hold and conference in your supervisor.
2Speak to your supervisor, if necessary, before you conference in the customer.
3Click Conference again to take the customer off hold and conference in the customer and your supervisor.
Ending a call
End a call when a call is completed. If you were in Ready status before the call, you automatically return to Ready when you terminate the call. If you require time to perform call
Procedure steps
Step Action
1On the work item, click Release.
Calling your supervisor
You can call your supervisor if you are not currently handling a call.
34 | 2 December 2010 |