Agent Statistics
Avaya Aura™ Agent Desktop displays live skillset related statistics. Agents can display assigned skillset statistics in pie chart or bar chart format. Supervisors can display statistics for all skillsets.
Agent Desktop Statistics are generated by accessing the Contact Center Web Statistics (CCWS) on the Contact Center Manager Server (CCMS). This is a licensed feature.
The main Statistics tab parts are:
•Control: Used to select charts types
•Skillsets: Used to display and select skillsets
•Charts: Used to display charts
•Refresh: reloads and resets the skillsets list in the skillset area.
•Sort: Alphabetical sort of skillset icons. Due to contact type prefixes on the skillsets names the skillsets are also sorted by contact type.
•Pie/Bar: Dynamically changes between pie and bar charts in the chart display area.
•Agents: Select agent related statistics
•Contacts: Select skillset related statistics
•Alerts: Activate or
Displays a skillset icon for each available or assigned skillset. Supervisors in a multimedia environment see all skillsets. Selecting a skillset icon updates the chart with the latest statistics for that skillset.
The percentage figures on the skillset icons represent the current Service Level for the skillset. The icons change to red if the current Service Level fails below the
The chart area displays a pie or bar chart.
This chapter describes how to use the Statistics tab.
| 2 December 2010 117 |