Customer and contact details
5Click Search.
6To sort the search results by a column, click the column heading of the field by which you want to sort.
Printing search results
You can print the search results of either a customer or contact search.
•Ensure that you have a printer set up and that you know the correct printer settings to select.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1Generate the search results for a customer or contact search.
2Click Print.
3Select the correct settings for your printer.
Viewing a contact
View a contact if you want to review information for a contact, for example, to see how an agent handled a particular contact.
You cannot change information in the contact because the contact is not open.
•Ensure that your status is Not Ready.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1On the History tab of the Customer Details window, select the contact to open.
You can also
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