Declining a call
Decline a call if you want to reject the contact and place the contact back in the queue. The contact is then queued to another agent and your status becomes Not Ready. You cannot receive new incoming contacts until you change your status to Ready.
•Ensure that you are in Ready state.
•Ensure that you have a skillset designated to handle telephone calls.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1On the Agent Desktop, select the new work item and click Reject.
Entering an activity code
Enter one or more activity codes during your calls by using the Agent Desktop Top work item activity
Activity codes are also used to enter Not Ready reasons. You can select Activity Codes when you are handling a contact. You can select Not Ready codes when your status is Not Ready.
Your supervisor or system administrator provides activity codes. You can use alphanumeric codes. Activity codes that are defined in Contact Center Manager Server appear on the Agent Desktop list. If a new activity code is added while you are logged on to the Agent Desktop, you must log off the Agent Desktop and log on again before you can select the new code from the list.
The Activity Code box appears on the Work Item, based on your contact center configuration. If you launch Agent Desktop from the Contact Center Multimedia server the Activity Code box will be populated with default values, otherwise you must enter the Activity Codes your Administrator or Supervisor gives you.
| 2 December 2010 31 |