Predictive Outbound
Predictive Outbound statuses
Predictive Outbound status Description | Actions Allowed |
Preview Callback | The agent has received a callback |
| contact on the Agent Desktop and is |
| previewing the contact before |
| dialing, canceling, or receiving the |
| contact. |
Dial the contact’s phone number. Cancel the contact.
Receive the call when the timer expires.
Preview Callback(Manual) | The agent has received a callback |
| contact on the Agent Desktop and is |
| previewing the contact before dialing |
| or canceling. |
Dial the contact’s phone number. Cancel the contact.
Wrapup | This status appears if: |
| - the agent hangs up on the contact |
| - the contact hangs up on the agent |
| - the DN disconnects |
Click Disposition, Originate, Callback, Not Ready (pending), or Hangup (if a secondary call is connected).
Talk Customer Hold | The agent is consulting with another |
| agent while the customer is on hold. |
Click Hangup, Callback, Not Ready (pending), Transfer, or Conference.
Voice Only | The agent is being consulted. |
Conferenced(Owner) | The agent is consulting with another |
| agent and a customer. |
Click Leave Conference or Hold.
Click Leave Conference, Disposition, Hold, or Not Ready (pending).
Conferenced(Passive) | The agent is being consulted by |
| another agent and a customer. |
ConferencedExt(Owner) | The agent is consulting with an |
| external party outside the Contact |
| Center and a customer. |
Click Hangup or Hold.
Click Leave Conference, Disposition, Hold, or Not Ready (pending).
Changing to Not Ready status
Change to Not Ready status to indicate that you are not ready to accept contacts.
•Ensure that you have no active contact.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1From the Agent Desktop application, click the status drop down icon.
50 | 2 December 2010 |