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from the image information window, image naming data, image color balance data, image cropping data, and image rotation data.
The Specifications appendix lists file sizes for these image files for your camera.
IMPORTANT: Do not open image archive files (files that you create by copying images to your computer hard disk with the COPY TO button) with Photoshop or other image software and then resave the data with the same filename. The image archive files you create with the COPY TO button contain several sections — one section with a TIFF version of the thumbnail, and then another section with the image data. When you open the file with Photoshop, only the TIFF thumbnail is opened, and if saved, only the thumbnail is saved — not the image data. For this reason, you should only open these files from within the driver image window using the CHOOSE FOLDER choice of the SOURCE menu as described in this chapter; this ensures that you obtain the image data.
P. DELETE Button
You click the DELETE button to delete selected images from their source — either the camera or an image archive file. A dialog box warns you that images will be deleted. Selected images include images you have clicked that may have temporarily scrolled out of view in the image area of the driver image window.
NOTES: The DELETE button on the camera back does not function when the camera is connected to a computer; use this DELETE button on the software driver image window to delete images in this configuration.
You may be able to recover images you delete with this button; refer to the “Recover” button section of this chapter.