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Defaults — Driver Image Window
The following default values are used for the driver image window each time you begin a work session. Once you have entered the driver image window, you can change these values as desired.
Source. The driver always looks for an attached camera first. If no camera is found, the driver opens the last image folder with which you were working, and if no folder is found, you are asked to select a folder.
View. This setting always opens as CONTACT SHEET.
Acquire As. This setting always opens as PHOTO.
Rotation. The default value is no rotation.
Crop. The default value is no cropping.
Lighting. The default value is the lighting setting of the first image retrieved; if there are no images at the source, then DAYLIGHT is the default.
Thumbnail/Preview size. The value of this setting is from the end of the previous work session is applied.
In addition, many settings for choices on dialog boxes are also maintained in a preferences file from work session to work session.