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3.8 Continuous operation program example
This section shows a program example which includes a series of communication operations from a servo
start. The program will be described on the basis of the equipment makeup shown in section 3.8. 1, 3.8.3.
3.8.1 System configuration example when 1 station is occupied
As shown below, the CC-Link system master local unit is loaded to run one servo amplifier (1 station
Input module
(X20 to X2F)
Master station
(X/Y00 to 1F)
Power supply
Programmable controller
Servo amplifier
(1 station occupied)
Station No.1
X20 to X2C
Input signal assignment
Input signal Signal name General operation when the input is on
X20 Reset command Resets the servo amplifier on an occurrence of a servo alarm.
X21 Servo-on command Turns on the servo motor. (Servo-on s tatus)
X22 Forward rotation JOG
command Executes a forward JOG operation in the manual operation mode.
X23 Reverse rotation JOG
command Executes a reverse JOG operation in the manual operation mode.
X24 Automatic/manual selection
OFF: Manual operation mode
ON: Automatic operation mode
X25 Home position return
Executes a dog type home position return when home position return
is incomplete in the automatic operation mode.
X26 Proximity dog command OFF: Proximity dog is on. (Note)
ON: Proximity dog is off.
X27 Positioning start command
Executes a positioning operation to the point table number specified
by X28 to X2C when home position return is incomplete in the
automatic operation mode.
X28 No. selection 1 Specifies the position for the point table No. selection 1
X29 No. selection 2 Specifies the position for the point table No. selection 2
X2A No. selection 3 Specifies the position for the point table No. selection 3
X2B No. selection 4 Specifies the position for the point table No. selection 4
X2C No. selection 5 Specifies the position for the point table No. selection 5
Note. This is when the parameter No.PD16 is set to " 0 (initial value)" (detects the dog at off).