4 - 25
(2) Output device
Output devices assigned to the CN6 connector pins can be used with the
remote output of the CC-Link communication function.
Device Symbol
pin No. Functions/Applications
Ready RD CN6-14
For device details, refer to section 3.5.1 (2).
Trouble ALM CN6-15
ALM turns off when power is switched off or the protective circuit is activated to
shut off the base circuit. Without alarm occurring, ALM turns on within 1.5s after
The significance of this device is opposite of that of remote output (RX (n 1)A
or RX (n 3)A).
Home position return
completion ZP CN6-16
For device details, refer to section 3.5.1 (2).
In position INP
Rough match CPO
Limiting torque TLC
Electromagnetic brake
interlock MBR
Temporary stop PUS
Warning WNG
Battery warning BWNG
Movement completion MEND
dynamic brake interlock DB
Position range POT
Point table No. output 1 PT0
Point table No. output 2 PT1
Point table No. output 3 PT2
Point table No. output 4 PT3
Point table No. output 5 PT4
Point table No. output 6 PT5
Point table No. output 7 PT6
Point table No. output 8 PT7
Speed command reached SA
SA turns on when servo-on (SON) is on and the commanded speed is at the
target speed.
SA always turns on when servo-on (SON) is on and the commanded speed is
SA turns off when servo-on (SON) is off or the commanded speed is in