8 - 10
(2) Monitor display list The following table lists the items and descrip tions of monitor display. Status display
Display on
Unit Description Display range
Current position Cur posit 10STM
The current position from the machine home position of 0 is
9999999 to
Command position Cmd Posit 10STM
mm The command position is displayed. 9999999 to
Command remaining
distance Cmd remin 10STM
The command remaining distance of the currently selected
point table is displayed.
999999999 to
Point table No. Pnttbl No The point table No. being executed is displayed. 0 to 255
Cumulative feedback
pulses Pulse F/B pulse
Feedback pulses from the servo motor encoder are counted
and displayed.
When the value exceeds 999999, characters are displayed
Press the "RESET" key of the parameter unit to reset the
display value to zero.
999999999 to
Servo motor speed Speed F/B r/min
The servo motor speed is displayed.
"-" is added to the speed of the servo motor rotating in the
reverse rotation.
The value rounded off is displayed in 0.1r/min.
7200 to 7200
Droop pulse Droop Pls pulse
The number of droop pulses in the deviation counter is
"- " is added to the reverse pulses.
When the value exceeds ±999999, characters are displayed
The number of pulses displayed is in the encoder pulse unit.
999999999 to
Regenerative load
ratio Regn Load
The ratio of regenerative power to permissible regenerative
power is displayed in %.
When regenerative option is used, the ratio to the permissible
regenerative power is displayed.
0 to 100
Effective load ratio Effc Load
The continuous effective load current is displayed.
The effective value is displayed relative to the rated current of
0 to 300
Peak load ratio Peak Load
The maximum torque is displayed.
The highest value in the past 15 seconds is displayed relative
to the rated torque of 100%.
0 to 400
torque Instn Trq
Torque that occurred instantaneously is displayed.
The value of the torque that occurred is displayed in real time
relative to the rate torque of 100%.
0 to 400
Within one-revolution
position Cyc posit pulse
Position within one revolution is displayed in encoder pulses.
The value returns to 0 when it exceeds the maximum number
of pulses.
The value is incremented in the CCW direction of rotation.
0 to 262143
ABS counter Abs count rev
Travel value from the home position in the absolute position
detection systems is displayed in terms of the absolute
position detectors counter value.
32768 to 32767
Load inertia moment
ratio Moment Rt Multiplier
The estimated ratio of the load inertia moment to the servo
motor shaft inertia moment is displayed. 0.0 to 300.0
Bus voltage P-N Volt V The voltage (across P-N or P - N ) of the main circuit
converter is displayed. 0 to 900