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3.8.2 Program example when 1 station is occupied
To execute a dog type home position return with the CC-Link communic ation
functions, set " 0" in parameter No.PD14 and use Proximity dog (DOG)
with the remote input (RY03) in this example.
Operate the servo amplifier of station 1 in the positioning mode and read the "curre nt position" data.
Operation: Alarm reset, dog type home position return, JOG operation, automatic operation under point table
Code No. Description
H0001 Lower 16-bit data of current position (hexadecimal)
H0002 Upper 16-bit data of current position (hexadecimal)
Forward rotation JOG command
Reverse rotation JOG command
Reset command
Servo-on command
Automatic/manual selection
Home position return
Proximity dog command
Home position return completion
Forward rotation start request
Reverse rotation start request
Automatic operation mode selection (RY06)
Manual operation mode selection (RY06)
Home position return request
Forward rotation start request
Forward rotation start request reset
Proximity dog command (RY03)
Command request time 6ms *1
Checks data link status of station No.1.
Point table establishment time 4ms *1
Automatic/manual selection
Writes current alarm read (H0010) to RWw2 at
trouble (RY1A) occurrence.
Turns on instruction code execution demand
Reads current alarm (RWr3) and respond code
(RWr2) to D11 and D12 when instruction code
execution completion (RX09) turns on.
Turns off instruction code execution demand
Alarm reset command (RY1A)
Servo-on command (RY00)