16 - 37
(2) Indication list Indication Status Description
Waiting for CC-Link
Power of the CC-Link master module was switched on at the condition that the power of
CC-Link master module is OFF.
The CC-Link master module is faulty.
(Note 1) d##
Ready The servo was switched on after completion of initialization and the servo amplifier is
ready to operate. (This is indicated for 2 seconds.)
(Note 1) C # # Not ready The servo amplifier is being initialized or an alarm has occurred.
(Note 2) $$$ Ready for operation Two seconds have passed after the servo amplifier is ready to operate by turning ON the
servo-on (RYn1).
(Note 3) A Alarm Warning The alarm No./warning No. that occurred is displayed. (Refer to section 16.12.4.)
8 88 CPU error CPU watchdog error has occurred.
(Note 4) 00.b JOG operation positioning operation programmed operation DO forced output
(Note 1)
(Note 4)
Test operation mode Motor-less operation
Note 1. ## denotes any of numerals 00 to 16 and what it means is listed below.
## Description
00 Set to the test operation mode.
01 Station number 1
02 Station number 2
03 Station number 3
62 Station number 62
63 Station number 63
64 Station number 64
Note 2. $$$ indicates numbers from 0 to 254, and the number indicates the executing station number.
3. indicates the warning/alarm No.
4. Requires MR Configurator or MR-PRU03 parameter module.