15 - 21
(4) Reading the setting
Read the parameter setting. Specify the param eter group in advance (refer to (1) in this sect ion).
(a) Transmission
Transmit command [0][5] and the data No. corresp onding to the parameter No., [0][0] to [F][F]. (Refer t o
section 15.4.1.)
The data No. is expressed in hexadecimal. The decimal equivalent of the data No. value corres ponds to
the parameter number.
(b) Reply
The slave station sends back the data and process ing information of the parameter No. requeste d.
Data is transferred in hexadecimal.
Display type
0: Used unchanged in hexadecimal.
1: Must be converted into decimal.
Parameter write type
0: Valid after write
1: Valid when power is switched on again after writ
Decimal point position
[0]: No decimal point
[1]: Lower first digit
[2]: Lower second digit
[3]: Lower third digit
[4]: Lower fourth digit
[5]: Lower fifth digit
Read enable/disable
0: Read enable
1: Read disable
For example, data "1200270F" means 999.9 (decimal display format) and data "0003A BC" means
3ABC (hexadecimal display format).
When the display type is "0" (hexadecimal) and the decimal point position is other th an 0, the display
type is a special hexadecimal display form at and "F" of the data value is handled as a bl ank. Data
"01FFF053" means 053 (special hexadecimal display format).
"1 (Read disable)" is transferred to the "Read enable/disable" section and "000000" is transferred to the
data section when the parameter that was read is the one inaccessible for write/reference in the
parameter write disable setting of parameter No. PA19.
(5) Reading the setting range
Read the parameter setting range. Specify the par ameter group in advance (refer to (1) in this section).
(a) Transmission
When reading the upper limit value, transm it command [0][6] and the data No. correspond ing to the
parameter No., [0][0] to [F][F]. When reading the lower limit value, transm it command [0][7] and the data
No. corresponding to the parameter No., [0][0] to [F][F]. (Refer to section 15.4.1.)
The data No. is expressed in hexadecimal. The decimal equivalent of the data No. value corres ponds to
the parameter number.
(b) Reply
The slave station sends back the data and process ing information of the parameter No. requeste d.
Data is transferred in hexadecimal.
For example, data "10FFFFEC" means -20.