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16.9.4 Home position return automatic return function
If the current position is at or beyond the proximity dog i n the home position return using the proximity dog, this
function starts home position return after mak ing a return to the position where the home position retur n can be
(1) When the current position is at the proxim ity dog
When the current position is at the proxim ity dog, an automatic return is made before hom e position return.
Proximity dog
Home position return direction
Home position return
start position
Makes an automatic return to a position
before the proximity dog, then executes
home position return at this position.
(2) When the current position is beyond the prox imity dog
At a start, a motion is made in the home positi on return direction and an automatic return is made on
detection of the stroke end (LSP or LSN). The motio n stops past the front end of the proximity dog, and
home position return is resumed at that posit ion. If the proximity dog cannot be detected, the m otion stops
on detection of the LSP or LSN switch and A90 occurs.
Proximity dog
Home position return direction
Home position return
start position
Makes an automatic return to a position
before the proximity dog, then executes
home position return at this position.
Stroke end
(LSP or LSN)
Software limit cannot be used with these functions .