16 - 70
CAUTION Never adjust or change the parameter values ex tremely as it will make operation
For any parameter whose symbol is preceded by *, set the parameter value
and switch power off once, then switch it on again to make that parameter
setting valid.
In this servo amplifier, the parameters are classified into the followin g groups on a function basis.
Parameter group Main description
Basic setting parameters
(No.PA )
Make basic setting with these parameters. Generally, the operation is possible only with these
parameter settings.
Gain/filter parameters
(No.PB )
Use these parameters when making gain adjustment manually.
Extension setting parameters
(No.PC )
These parameters are inherent to the MR-J3- T servo amplifier.
I/O setting parameters
(No.PD )
Use these parameters when changing the I/O devices of the servo amplifier.
Mainly setting the basic setting parameters (No.PA ) allows the setting of the basic parameters at the
time of introduction.
16.11.1 Basic setting parameters (No.PA )
(1) Parameter list
No. Symbol Name Initial
value Unit
PA01 *STY Control mode 0000h
PA02 *REG Regenerative option 0000h
PA03 *ABS Absolute position detection system 0000h
PA04 Not used in indexer positioning operation. 0000h
PA05 Do not change the parameter. 0000h
PA06 *CMX Number of gears on machine-side 1
PA07 *CDV Number of gears on servo motor-side 1
PA08 ATU Aut o tuning mode 0001h
PA09 RSP Auto tuning response 12
PA10 INP In-position range 100 pulse
PA11 TLP Forward rotation torque limit 100.0 %
PA12 TLN Reverse rotation torque limit 100.0 %
PA13 For manufacturer setting 0002h
PA14 *POL Rotation direction selection 0
PA15 *ENR Encoder output pulses 4000 pulse/rev
PA16 For manufacturer setting 0000h
PA17 Do not change this valve by any means. 0000h
PA19 *BLK Parameter write inhibit 000Ch