7 - 15
7. MR Configurator
7.7.2 Positioning operation
The servo motor will not operate if the forced stop (EMG), forward rotation
stroke end (LSP) and reverse rotation stroke end (LSN) are off. Make
automatic ON setting to turn on these devices or make device setting to
assign them as external input signals and turn on across these signals and
DOCOM. (Refer to section 7.6.)
When an alarm occurs, the positioning operation is automaticall y canceled.
Click "Test" on the menu bar and click "Pos itioning" on the menu.
Clicking displays the confirmation window f or switching to the test operation mode.
Click the "OK" button to display the settin g screen of the Positioning operation.
During the servo on, the confirmation window indicating that the next o peration is in the stop status is
After confirming that the operation is in the stop stat us, click the "OK" button to display the setting screen for
the positioning operation.