encapsulation. Technique used to enclose information formatted for one protocol, such as AppleTalk, within a packet formatted for a different proto- col, such as TCP/IP.
Encrypt Protocol. Encryption protocol for the tunnel session.
Parameter values supported include NONE or ESP.
encryption. The application of a specific algorithm to a data set so that any- one without the encryption key cannot understand the information.
ESP. Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) header provides confidentiality, data origin authentication, connectionless integrity,
Ethernet crossover cable. See crossover cable.
FCS. Frame Check Sequence. Data included in frames for error control.
flow control. Technique using hardware circuits or control characters to reg- ulate the transmission of data between a computer (or other DTE) and a modem (or other DCE). Typically, the modem has buffers to hold data; if the buffers approach capacity, the modem signals the computer to stop while it catches up on processing the data in the buffer. See CTS, RTS, xon/xoff.
fragmentation. Process of breaking a packet into smaller units so that they can be sent over a network medium that cannot transmit the complete packet as a unit.
frame. Logical grouping of information sent as a