Overland Storage REO 9000 with ProtectionPAC Software
expanding capacity
adding appliances 107, 108 adding disks to an appliance 112
External (SCSI) Devices changing target name 84 connecting 28 detecting 81
External Device Summary page 103 External Initiator Summary page 103
Fibre Channel (FC) 11 connecting ports 27 connecting to switch 27 entering network information 56 overview 12
topologies 12
gateway address, verifying configuration 52 GbE data ports
configuring 55 connecting to 27
help 119, 159
host bus adapter (HBA) 11, 61 hot spares 16, 66
creating 68 recreating 141
Initiator Summary page 102 initiators 11
associating with targets 87 configuring 91
in a rack 21
iSCSI client driver 61 requirements
for the network 17 iSCSI initiators 17
Internet SCSI, see iSCSI IPADDR field 34
iqn 88 iSCSI
architecture 11 initiators supported 17 naming conventions 87 protocol 11
just a bunch of disks (JBOD) changing to 63 forcing an Add 129
key, see REO SoftKey
LEDs 104
logical unit numbers (LUNs) 16
logical volume management (LVM) 16, 71 logon information
configuring 58 forgotten 128
Management Port connecting to 26 verifying configuration 52
management system, configuring 39 mapping
network drive to the appliance on each back- up system 61
network drive to the appliance on the man- agement system 39
systems restart 127
N_Port 12
naming conventions for iSCSI 87 NETMASK field 34
network connecting to 27
connecting to the LAN 26 FC, entering information 56 installation requirements 17 safety guidelines 20
NETWORK field 34
network interface card (NIC) 61 NL_Port 12
numbering of disk drives 104
password, forgotten 128
Data Port 1 27
Data Port 2 27
Management 26 N_Port 12 NL_Port 12
attaching cords 28 turning off 105
rack, installing in a 21 recreating a hot spare 141
redundant array of independent disks (RAID) changing the configuration 63 configuring 65
options 15
recreating a hot spare 141 removing the REO SoftKey 35 REO Device Summary 101 REO Devices, creating 73, 81