Setup Guide
3Match the iSCSI initiator name on the REO Appliance to the initiator name on the backup server.
For example, if one of the volumes on the REO Appliance is named idevice.name0, this is the iSCSI Target Name. You must assign at least one initiator to this target (if you do not, you will not be able to access the disk). The iSCSI initiator name on the initiator portion of the REO Appliance Device Configuration page must match the initiator name on the iSCSI configuration tool screen for the backup server you are configuring.
The Initiator IP Address field is optional. If used, both the iSCSI initiator name and the IP address will be checked by the REO Appliance and must match for access to be granted.
Configuring Targets (REO Devices and
External Devices) and Initiators
Each disk or LUN on the REO Appliance is an iSCSI or FC target and has a passive role in fulfilling requests initiated by the application or backup server.
The backup server is an initiator and plays the active role in issuing commands. An initiator is configured in conjunction with targets on the REO Appliance as an access control mechanism. You must configure an initiator by using the initiator software and by using the REO Appliance console. You can assign up to eight initiators (iSCSI, FC, or a combination of both) to each REO disk device (a virtual tape device currently supports only one initiator) or External Device.
Configuring Targets (REO Devices and External Devices) and Initiators W 91