34 X Using the REO SoftKey to Start the REO 9000
Overland Storage REO 9000 with ProtectionPAC Software
6Make the following changes:
Change the BOOTPROTO field from dhcp to static (make sure that
you enter it in lowercase).
After the BOOTPROTO line, enter lines for IPADDR, NETMASK,
NETWORK, and BROADCAST, and, in each corresponding field,
enter the IP address you selected for the management interface for the
REO Appliance on your network.
Note: You do not need to modify the other fields at this time.
7Save the file; when asked if you want to replace the existing file, click
8In the ipkey folder, locate the network file.
9Right-click the network file, click Open With, and then select
Locate and open the network file.
Change GATEWAY to the
applicable IP address.