NOWRad precipitation color codes
NOWRad displays the type and level of precipitation:
Color code | Precipitation type | Intensity |
Light green | Rain | (15 to 19 dBz) |
Medium green | Rain | (20 to 29 dBz) |
Dark Green | Rain | (30 to 39 dBz) |
Yellow | Rain | (40 to 44 dBz) |
Orange | Rain | (45 to 49 dBz) |
Light red | Rain | (50 to 54 dBz) |
Dark red | Rain | (55+ dBz) |
Light blue | Snow | (5 to 19 dBz) |
Dark blue | Snow | (20+ dBz) |
Light pink | Mixed | (5 to 19 dBz) |
Dark pink | Mixed | (20+ dBz) |
Color code | Intensity in mm per hour |
Transparent (nothing shown at very | 0.00 to 0.20 mm/hr |
low precipitation) |
Light green | 0.21 to 1.00 mm/hr |
Medium green | 1.01 to 4.00 mm/hr |
Dark green | 4.01 to 12.00 mm/hr |
Yellow | 12.01 to 24.00 mm/hr |
Orange | 24.01 to 50.00 mm/hr |
Light red | 50.01 to 100 mm/hr |
Dark red | 100.01+ mm/hr |
Canadian radar precipitation color codes
Canadian radar shows the intensity of precipitation for Canada. Unlike NOWRad, Canadian radar does not show the precipitation type.
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