Specifications for Transmission/Store/Delivery Functions
Scan to Folder
Maximum Number of Characters That Can Be | SMB | Destination folder |
Entered for Scan to Folder |
| path: 256 characters |
| User name: |
| 128 characters |
| Password: |
| 128 characters |
| FTP | Server name: |
| 128 characters |
| Destination folder |
| path: 256 characters |
| User name: |
| 128 characters |
| Password: |
| 128 characters |
Maximum Number of Destinations That Can Be | 50 *1 |
Specified at Once |
Maximum Number of Destinations That Can Be | 2000 *2 |
Registered in the Destination List |
Maximum Transmittable Size | 2000 MB per file |
When directly entering the destinations, up to 50 destinations can be specified. This is the total number of
Simultaneous Transmission
The following table shows the maximum number of destinations when perform- ing
Transmission | Destination Se- | Selectable | Selectable | Selectable |
Type | lection Method | Number of Des- | Number of Des- | Number of Des- |
| tinations | tinations for | tinations for E- |
| Each Function | mail and Scan to |
| 10 | |||
| Folder |
| |
Selected from the | 500 | 500 | 550 |
| |
| destination list |
| Direct input (in- | 100 *2 |
| cluding LDAP |
| search) *1 |
Scan to Folder | Selected from the | 50 | 50 |
| destination list |
| Direct input | 50 *2 |
A total of 100