Thi s m ode wi ll ste am a f ull or part ial lo ad o f a s ingle p roduct, or multip le p rodu cts

without tr ans fer of fla

vors. W hen s team ing mu ltiple p roducts, h owever, ind ivid ual

product c ook ing ti mes

must be t aken in to con sid eratio n. T he n on-pressurized

atmosp her e of the Com bithe rm also p rovides t he abilit y t o o pen t he doo r dur ing t he ste am mode i n or der to moni tor p roducts m ore clo sely t hro ugh out the steaming process.


Per forated, 2 -1/2 " dee p p ans

(65m m) ar e pa rticula rly sui tabl e

for use in thi s p rogram m ode.

These pans w ill p rovi de a shor ter

cooking ti me a nd will preve nt

produc t ove r-cook ing at th



bottom of the p an.





Separate ice -enc ased vegetabl


before s tea ming to assure mo


even cook ing.






A varie ty of pr oducts can



ste amed at t he same ti me but


attention must be p aid to



different cook ing ti mes requir


for each f ood pr oduct.






But ter and sea son vegetables

after st eami ng.

Steam long-gr ain ric e using

approx imate ly 1-p art ric e to

approx imate ly 1-1 /2-p arts wa ter

or seasoned li quid.

Steam dur um wh eat n oodles in

unper for ated pa ns usi ng 1 -part

noodle s to 5-p arts cold water.


Quic k ste ami ng i s sui table

for he arty , r oot-t ype v egetables suc h a s pota toe s, l egum es, and ca bbage.

Quic k ste ami ng pr ovi des a cooki ng ti me whi ch i s

appro ximatel y 10-per cent s horter tha n the re gular ste am m ode tempe rat ure of 212 °F ( 100°C).

Set the s tea m c ook ing tempe rat ure be tween 2 21°F (105°C ) an d 2 30°F (110°C) f or sma ll l oads an d be twe en 2 30°F (110°C ) an d 2 48°F (120°C) f or full l oad s.


The l ow t emperature s team m ode will f unction w henever t he ov en compartment t emperature i s below 2 12°F ( 100°C).

Proof y east do ugh a t a temperature s etting of 90 °F t o 110°F ( 32°C t o 4 3°C) .

It w ill t ake l onger to s team products us ing t he l ow temperature s team mo de.

Steaming s ausages i n l ow temperature s team pre vents cracked or p eeling s kins .

Use lo w te mperature steam for delicate fo ods s uch a s s hrimp, fish, s eafood, a nd c rèm e c aramel.

For be st r esults, l ow t emperature steam a ll de licate f ood i tems a t a temperature o f 2 10°F ( 99°C)

or be low.


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Alto-Shaam 1008 operation manual Steam M ODE CH EF Oper Ating Tips