When the printer truncates labels
Figure 11-9 is an example of a label with an object placed beyond the label length acceptable to the installed ribbon, where the printer will truncate the label when you print it:
Maximum label length
This object extends beyond the length limit, so will be truncated as shown.
Figure 11-9. Sample of label too long for installed ribbon.
For the label shown in Figure
If you attempt to print this label as it is, the printer truncates the job at the maximum length of 38”, without displaying a warning message. The part of the circle that extends beyond 38” does not print, just as shown on the display screen.
Non-truncating conditions
You see the actual set label length on your display screen, and the system will not automatically truncate a label that exceeds the maximum length allowed for the supplies installed, under these conditions:
zWhen you create a label with continuous color ribbon installed, with single color objects, unless the objects you added to the label extend beyond the 100” maximum length for this type print job.
zWhen the length is set for the label, either by you when you create the label, or by the template you used to create the label.