Reverse text colors

Choose to reverse the text and background colors on


your label. The text assumes the background color,


and the background assumes the text color.


Reverse text colors option OFF:


Reverse text colors option ON:




Vertical text


Choose to format the text vertically instead



of horizontally on your label. The system


automatically center-justifies vertical text,




so the characters are aligned down the



center of the text box, as shown here



Hint!Free form text works best with this



option, but you are not restricted from


applying it to text with boundaries.




Setting options on the Content tab

Please refer to Adding bar code objects on page 7-17for information about the Content tab.

Setting options on the Dimensions tab

Please refer to Adding bar code objects on page 7-17for information about the Dimensions tab.

7-42Changing Objects

Page 163
Image 163
Brady 76800 manual Setting options on the Content tab, Setting options on the Dimensions tab